Marsberg-Lillers Partnerstädte

Marsberg Marktplatz

The Städtisches Gymnasium, where I taught for two years.


Marsberg Freibad

Marsberg Die Diemel

I had a rented room at first in Die Trift, bei Frau Koppenburg

The View from Ober Marsberg

The view from Bilstein

Personal Wohnheim Landeskrankenhaus - I had a flat here in the hospital staff accommodation block.

Personalwohnheim Nr.211


My Pupils 10b.1976-77

My Pupils 10b.1977-78

My Pupils 9a.1977-78

My Pupils 9B.1977-78

My Pupils 8a.1977-78

My Pupils 8b.1977-78

Traditionally, form teachers take their class on an annual "study" trip.

Karneval - a time when Germans really let their hair down!


Clowning about .....

More clowning about .....

I join a Madrigal choir singing here in Ober-Marsberg

In 1981 we go back to visit my graduating class.

The Englaender family visit us in 1984

In 2005 we meet up with former colleagues and friends.

We are touched in 2016 to receive a visit in Edinburgh from former pupil Lorenz Budde and his family.