Commissioned by the British Royal Navy and launched in 1918, the S.S. Misr ["Egypt"]

Eventually became a luxury yacht for King Farouk

Rebuiilt and refurbished according to original plans









S.S.Misr Sun Deck

S.S.Misr Sun Deck

S.S.Misr Our cabin

S.S.Misr Our cabin

S.S.Misr Our cabin

S.S.Misr Balcony Side view

S.S.Misr the staff

The Nile at Aswan

Aswan Philae Temple, dismantled and moved to its present location when the Nasser Dam was built and the river bed flooded

Aswan Philae Temple

Aswan Philae Temple is relatively recent dating back to the Ptolemaic Kingdom period 200 B.C.

Aswan Philae Temple

Nubian youngsters

Local youngsters

Aswan Philae Temple, perched on the edge of Lake Nasser

Aswan British Dam built at the turn of the 20th century but is now largely eclipsed by the later High Dam.

Aswan Nasser Dam the largest embankment dam in the world was pivotal to the industrialisation of Egypt.

Aswan Nasser Dam holds back Lake Nasser, nearly 500 km long and one of the largest man-made lakes in the world


Aswan the Nile

Aswan Pied Kingfisher

Aswan Purple Gallinule

Aswan Heron

Aswan Kingfisher

Aswan Dromadary

Aswan Buffaloes

Aswan Botanical Gardens, created by Lord Kitchener

Aswan Botanical Gardens

Aswan Botanical Gardens

Aswan Botanical Gardens

Aswan Botanical Gardens

Aswan Botanical Gardens

Aswan Botanical Gardens Hoopoe

Aswan Cataracts

Aswan Nubian Museum

Aswan Nubian Museum

Aswan Nubian Museum

Aswan Nubian Museum

Aswan Nubian Museum

Aswan Nubian Museum

Aswan Mosque

Nile Grazing Sheep

KomOmbo Temple dedicated to both Sobek, the crocodile god and Horus, the falcon god.

KomOmbo Temple

KomOmbo Temple of the Ptolemaic period

KomOmbo Temple

KomOmbo Temple

Edfu Temple one of the best preserved Hellenistic temples.

Edfu Temple lay buried under sand for centuries ensuring its perfect conservation

Edfu Temple is dedicated to the god Horus

Edfu Temple suffered from attempts by early Christians to erase pagan images by burning

Edfu Temple

Edfu Temple

Edfu Temple

Horse & Carriage


Luxor Sunset

Luxor Sunset

Luxor [Deir el-Bahari] Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple, being extensively restored

Luxor [Deir el-Bahari] Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple. This female Pharaoh was one of the most successful of all time

Luxor [Deir el-Bahari] Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple

Luxor [Deir el-Bahari] Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple

The friezes ......

.... are of exceptional quality

Dendera Temple

Dendera Temple

Dendera Temple

Dendera Temple - the black soot caused by fires covering the walls and ceiling is being cleaned

Dendera Temple

Dendera Temple

Dendera Temple

Dendera Temple Crypt Horus

Dendera Temple from the roof top


Nile Sailing

Nile Inundated Pasture

Nile River Bank Pasture

Luxor Temple Avenue of Sphinxes

Luxor [ancient Thebes] The Temple

Luxor Temple

Luxor Karnak The Temple of Amun, reputedly the largest religious building in the world

Luxor Karnak The Temple of Amun has its origins 2000 B.C.E.

Luxor Karnak Temple Ram-headed Sphinxes

Luxor Karnak Temple - an obelisk before erection

Luxor Karnak Temple

Luxor Karnak Temple Rameses II

Luxor Karnak Temple

Luxor Karnak Temple

Luxor Karnak Temple

Luxor The Colossi of Memnon

Sugar cane

The Nile Valley in the early morning mist

Valley Of The Kings

Nile River Bank

Nile Minaret

Nile Sunset

Nile Sunset

Abu Homar Nile Lock

Abu Homar Nile Lock


Sugar cane

Abydos Coptic Church - the Copts are the largest Christian denomination in Egupt

Abydos Welcome

Abydos Seti Memorial Temple

Abydos Seti Memorial Temple

Abydos Seti Memorial Temple

Abydos Seti Memorial Temple

Abydos Seti Memorial Temple

Abydos Street Scene

Abydos Street Scene

Abydos Street Scene

Abydos Ladies' dresses

Anwar and Mohammed, our informative guides

Nile Cruising

Nile Cruising

Mosque & Minaret

Asyut Lock Bridge

Nile Cruising

Off To Work

Tel Al Amarna Reception

Tel Al Amarna Reception

Tel Al Amarna former site of the new capital city Akhenaten built

Tel Al Amarna Akhenaten - his radical monotheistic ideas were soon destroyed together with his city.

Tel Al Amarna, the new royal city built by Akhenaten ..... as it might have been.

Tel Al Amarna Tombs of the Nobles, cut into the rock.

Tuna El Gebel Necropolis of Khmun

Tuna El Gebel

Tuna El Gebel Isadora Mummy

Delivering the goods

Curious Kids

Urban Development

The Nile

Beni Hassan Tombs

Beni Hassan Tombs

Beni Hassan Cemetery

School Children

School Children

Donkey & Cart

Horse Drawn Cart on the Open Road

River Cargo


Bent Pyramid - many early pyramids [there are hundreds in all] were experiments. This one was built too steep and the angle had to be changed

Maydum Pyramid - in this case, the project was too ambitious and the structure collapsed

Dahshur Pyramid

Dahshur Pyramid - some interiors can be visited but this experience is not for the claustrophobic.

Street Scene

Street Scene - hygiene and cleanliness difficult to reconcile

Street Scene

Street Scene

Giza Pyramids

Giza Dromadaries - camels are superbly adapted to the desert environment.

Giza Khafre Pyramid still retains its smooth cap of limestone which once covered the whole surface.

Giza Great [Khufu] Pyramid, over 4000 years old

Giza Dromadaries

The Solar Boat was discovered buried and disassembled at the foot of the Great Pyramid. Over 4000 years old it is the oldest intact ship from antiquity.

Giza Solar Boat

Giza The Sphinx is still emerging buried from centuries of sand

Giza The Sphinx

Giza The Sphinx & the Khafre Pyramid



The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum Menkaure

The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum Scribe

The Egyptian Museum Khafre

The Egyptian Museum Seneb The Dwarf

The Egyptian Museum Glass Eyes

The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum Pyramid Cap

The Egyptian Museum Anubis

The Egyptian Museum The Tutankhamun tomb as it was found.

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures Flail & Crook

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures

The Egyptian Museum Tutankhamun treasures

Egyptian Museum
Tutankhamun Canopic Vases